Trồng hạt vừng luộc – To Cultivate The Boiled Sesame – Song ngữ
English: Tetcheng Liao.
Việt ngữ: Hòa Thượng Thích Tâm Châu.
Compile: Lotus group.
To Cultivate The Boiled Sesame – TRỒNG HẠT VỪNG LUỘC
Once upon a time, a stupid man who, after eating the raw sesame, found it not as tasty as the boiled kind. He said to himself, “I would boil the sesame before cultivating it. This way I could produce better sesame.” – He then boiled and cultivated it as he had planned. However, the attempt failed altogether.
Xưa có người ngu ăn vừng (mè) sống không ngon, mới đem luộc chín ăn thấy ngon, nghĩ: “Vừng này ta luộc đi trồng có lẽ sau được hạt ngon lắm!” Nghĩ rồi, đem luộc trồng mãi vừng không mọc.
So are the people at large who consider it difficult to follow Bodhisattva’s practice, due to the strict requirement of eternities of the strenuous efforts. Finding no pleasure, they think that it will be easier for them to become Arahant’s by cutting quickly off the transmigration, without realizing that they would never attain Buddhahood that way, just as the boiled seed that would never grow. This is just like the story of the stupid who tried to cultivate boiled sesame.
Người đời thấy bậc Bồ-tát tu những nhân khổ-hạnh cho là không vui, liền nghĩ: “Không bằng làm vị A-la-hán chóng dứt sinh-tử, công-hành lại dễ-dàng!” Vì vậy, sau muốn cầu phật-quả không được. Như hạt vừng luộc chín không mọc lên được, người ngu kia cũng thế!
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