Chương 32: Đại kinh Rừng sừng bò – MN 32: The Greater Discourse in Gosinga – Song ngữ

Anh ngữ: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli      

Việt ngữ: Hòa thượng Thích Minh Châu

Compile: Lotus group


Quyển I – Trung Bộ Kinh – Volume I – Middle-length Discourses – Majjhima Nikaya

Chương 32: Đại kinh Rừng sừng bò – MN 32: The Greater Discourse in Gosinga – (Mahàgosinga sutta).


  1. Thus I have heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Park of the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood together with a number of very well-known elder disciples – the venerable Sariputta, the venerable Maha Moggallana, the venerable Maha Kassapa, the venerable Anuruddha, the venerable Revata, the venerable Ananda, and other very well-known elder disciples.

Tôi nghe như vầy:

Một thời Thế Tôn ở tại khu vườn trong rừng Gosinga có nhiều cây ta-la cùng với một số đông Thượng Tọa đệ tử nổi tiếng như Tôn giả Sariputta (Xá-lợi-phất) Tôn giả Maha Moggallana (Đại Mục-kiền-liên), Tôn giả Maha Kassapa (Đại Ca-diếp), Tôn giả Anuruddha (A-na-luật-đà), Tôn giả Revata (Ly-bà-đa), Tôn giả Ananda (A-nan) cùng với một số Thượng Tọa đệ tử nổi tiếng khác. 


  1. Then, when it was evening, the venerable Maha Moggallana rose from meditation, went to the venerable Maha Kassapa, and said to him:

–“Friend Kassapa, let us go to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma.”

— “Yes, friend,”

The venerable Maha Kassapa replied. Then the venerable Maha Moggallana, the venerable Maha Kassapa, and the venerable Anuruddha went to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma.

Rồi Tôn giả Maha Moggallana vào buổi chiều, sau khi tham thiền đứng dậy, đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Maha Kassapa ở, sau khi đến bèn nói với Tôn giả Maha Kassapa:

— Hiền giả Kassapa, chúng ta hãy đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp.

— Thưa vâng, Hiền giả.

Tôn giả Maha Kassapa vâng đáp Tôn giả Maha Moggallana. Rồi Tôn giả Maha Moggallana, Tôn giả Maha Kassapa và Tôn giả Anuruddha đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp.


  1. The venerable Ananda saw them going to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma. Thereupon he went to the venerable Revata and said to him:

–“Friend Revata, those true men are going to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma. Let us also go to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma.”

— “Yes, friend,”

The venerable Revata replied. Then the venerable Revata and the venerable Ananda went to the venerable Sariputta to listen to the Dhamma.

Tôn giả Ananda thấy Tôn giả Maha Moggallana, Tôn giả Maha Kassapa và Tôn giả Anuruddha đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp, sau khi thấy vậy liền đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Revata và nói với Tôn giả Revata: 

— Này Hiền giả Revata, các bậc Thượng nhân như vậy đã đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp. Này Hiền giả Revata, chúng ta hãy đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp.

— Thưa vâng, Hiền giả. 

Tôn giả Revata vâng đáp Tôn giả Ananda. Rồi Tôn giả Revata và Tôn giả Ananda đi đến chỗ Tôn giả Sariputta để nghe pháp.


  1. The venerable Sariputta saw the venerable Revata and the venerable Ananda coming in the distance and said to the venerable Ananda:

–“Let the venerable Ananda come, welcome to the venerable Ananda, the Blessed One’s attendant, who is always in the Blessed One’s presence. Friend Ananda, the Gosinga Salatree Wood is delightful, the night is moonlit, the sala trees are all in blossom, and heavenly scents seem to be floating in the air. What kind of bhikkhu, friend Ananda, could illuminate the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

Tôn giả Sariputta thấy Tôn giả Revata, Tôn giả Ananda từ xa đi đến, sau khi thấy bèn nói với Tôn giả Ananda: 

— Tôn giả Ananda hãy đến đây, thiện lai, Tôn giả Ananda, vị thị giả Thế Tôn, vị hầu cận Thế Tôn. Này Hiền giả Ananda, khả ái thay khu rừng Gosinga! Đêm rằm sáng trăng, cây Ta la trổ hoa cùng khắp, hương trời như được tỏa rộng khắp nơi. Này Hiền giả Ananda, hạng Tỷ-kheo nào có thể làm chói sáng khu rừng Gosinga?


“Here, friend [213] Sariputta, a bhikkhu has learned much, remembers what he has learned, and consolidates what he has learned. Such teachings as are good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, with the right meaning and phrasing, and which affirm a holy life that is utterly perfect and pure – such teachings as these he has learned much of, remembered, mastered verbally, investigated with the mind, and penetrated well by view. And he teaches the Dhamma to the four assemblies with well-rounded and coherent statements and phrases for the eradication of the underlying tendencies. That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

Ở đây, này Hiền giả Sariputta, Tỷ-kheo nghe nhiều, gìn giữ điều đã nghe, tích tụ điều đã nghe. Những pháp sơ thiện, trung thiện, hậu thiện, văn nghĩa cụ túc, nói lên phạm hạnh hoàn toàn thanh tịnh, những pháp ấy được vị ấy nghe nhiều và gìn giữ kỹ, được lập lại lớn tiếng, được ý tư duy, được tri kiến khéo quán sát; vị ấy thuyết pháp cho bốn hội chúng với văn cú viên dung, lưu loát, với mục đích đoạn trừ mọi tùy miên. Này Hiền giả Sariputta, hạng Tỷ-kheo này có thể làm sáng chói khu rừng Gosinga.


  1. When this was said, the venerable Sariputta addressed the venerable Revata thus: “Friend Revata, the venerable Ananda has spoken according to his own inspiration.[1] Now we ask the venerable Revata: Friend Revata, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful, the night is moonlit, the sala trees are all in blossom, and heavenly scents seem to be floating in the air. What kind of bhikkhu, friend Revata, could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

“Here, friend Sariputta, a bhikkhu delights in solitary meditation and takes delight in solitary meditation; he is devoted to internal serenity of mind, does not neglect meditation, possesses insight, and dwells in empty huts.[2] That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

  1. When this was said, the venerable Sariputta addressed the venerable Anuruddha thus: “Friend Anuruddha, the venerable Revata has spoken according to his own inspiration. Now we ask the venerable Anuruddha: Friend Anuruddha, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful … What kind of bhikkhu, friend Anuruddha, could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

“Here, friend Sariputta, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, a bhikkhu surveys a thousand worlds. Just as a man with good sight, when he has ascended to the upper palace chamber, might survey a thousand wheel-rims, so too, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, a bhikkhu surveys a thousand worlds.[3] That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

  1. When this was said, the venerable Sariputta addressed the venerable Maha Kassapa thus: “Friend Kassapa, the venerable Anuruddha has spoken according to his own inspiration. Now we ask the venerable Maha Kassapa: Friend Kassapa, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful … What kind of bhikkhu, friend Kassapa, [214] could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

“Here, friend Sariputta, a bhikkhu is a forest dweller himself and speaks in praise of forest dwelling; he is an almsfood eater himself and speaks in praise of eating almsfood; he is a refuserag wearer himself and speaks in praise of wearing refuse-rag robes; he is a triple-robe wearer himself and speaks in praise of wearing the triple robe;[4] he has few wishes himself and speaks in praise of fewness of wishes; he is content himself and speaks in praise of contentment; he is secluded himself and speaks in praise of seclusion; he is aloof from society himself and speaks in praise of aloofness from society; he is energetic himself and speaks in praise of arousing energy; he has attained to virtue himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of virtue; he has attained to concentration himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of concentration; he has attained to wisdom himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of wisdom; he has attained to deliverance himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of deliverance; he has attained to the knowledge and vision of deliverance himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of the knowledge and vision of deliverance. That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

  1. When this was said, the venerable Sariputta addressed the venerable Maha Moggallana thus: “Friend Moggallana, the venerable Maha Kassapa has spoken according to his own inspiration. Now we ask the venerable Maha Moggallana: Friend Moggallana, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful … What kind of bhikkhu, friend Moggallana, could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

“Here, friend Sariputta, two bhikkhus engage in a talk on the higher Dhamma[5] and they question each other, and each being questioned by the other answers without foundering, and their talk rolls on in accordance with the Dhamma. That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

  1. When this was said, the venerable Maha Moggallana addressed the venerable Sariputta thus: “Friend Sariputta, we have all spoken according to our own inspiration. Now we ask the venerable Sariputta: Friend Sariputta, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful, the night is moonlit, the sala trees are all in blossom, and heavenly scents seem to be floating in the air. What kind of bhikkhu, friend Sariputta, could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?”

“Here, friend Moggallana, a bhikkhu wields mastery over his mind, he does not let the mind wield mastery over him. In the morning he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants [215] to abide in during the morning; at mid-day he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in at mid-day; in the evening he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in during the evening. Suppose a king or a king’s minister had a chest full of variously coloured garments. In the morning he could put on whatever pair of garments he wanted to put on in the morning; at mid-day he could put on whatever pair of garments he wanted to put on at mid-day; in the evening he could put on whatever pair of garments he wanted to put on in the evening. So too, a bhikkhu wields mastery over his mind, he does not let the mind wield mastery over him. In the morning … at mid-day … in the evening he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in during the evening. That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.”

  1. Then the venerable Sariputta addressed those venerable ones thus: “Friends, we have all spoken according to our own inspiration. Let us go to the Blessed One and report this matter to him. As the Blessed One answers, so let us remember it.” – “Yes, friend,” they replied. Then those venerable ones went to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, they sat down at one side. The venerable Sariputta said to the Blessed One:
  2. “Venerable sir, the venerable Revata and the venerable Ananda came to me to listen to the Dhamma. I saw them coming in the distance and [216] said to the venerable Ananda: ‘Let the venerable Ananda come, welcome to the venerable Ananda … Friend Ananda, the Gosinga Sala-tree Wood is delightful … What kind of bhikkhu, friend Ananda, could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ When asked, venerable sir, the venerable Ananda replied: ‘Here, friend Sariputta, a bhikkhu has learned much … (as in §4) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.’“

“Good, good, Sariputta. Ananda, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For Ananda has learned much, remembers what he has learned, and consolidates what he has learned. Such teachings as are good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end, with the right meaning and phrasing, and which affirm a holy life that is utterly perfect and pure – such teachings as these he has learned much of, remembered, mastered verbally, investigated with the mind, and penetrated well by view. And he teaches the Dhamma to the four assemblies with well-rounded and coherent statements and phrases for the eradication of the underlying tendencies.”

  1. “When this was said, venerable sir, I addressed the venerable Revata thus: ‘Friend Revata … What kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ And the venerable Revata replied: ‘Here, friend Sariputta, a bhikkhu delights in solitary meditation … (as in §5) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.’“

“Good, good, Sariputta. Revata, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For Revata delights in solitary meditation, takes delight in solitary meditation, is devoted to internal serenity of mind, does not neglect meditation, possesses insight, and dwells in empty huts.” [217]

  1. “When that was said, venerable sir, I addressed the venerable Anuruddha thus: ‘Friend Anuruddha … What kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ And the venerable Anuruddha replied: ‘Here, friend Sariputta, with the divine eye … (as in §6) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.’”

“Good, good, Sariputta. Anuruddha, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, Anuruddha surveys a thousand worlds.”

  1. “When this was said, venerable sir, I addressed the venerable Maha Kassapa thus: ‘Friend Kassapa … What kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ And the venerable Maha Kassapa replied: ‘Here, friend Sariputta, a bhikkhu is a forest-dweller himself … (as in §7) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.’“[218]

“Good, good, Sariputta. Kassapa, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For Kassapa is a forest-dweller himself and speaks in praise of forest dwelling … he has attained to the knowledge and vision of deliverance himself and speaks in praise of the attainment of the knowledge and vision of deliverance.”

  1. “When this was said, venerable sir, I addressed the venerable Maha Moggallana thus: ‘Friend Moggallana … What kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ And the venerable Maha Moggallana replied: ‘Here, friend Sariputta, two bhikkhus engage in a talk on the higher Dhamma … (as in §8) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Salatree Wood.’“

“Good, good, Sariputta. Moggallana, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For Moggallana is one who talks on the Dhamma.”

  1. When that was said, the venerable Maha Moggallana told the Blessed One: “Then, venerable sir, I addressed the venerable Sariputta thus: ‘Friend Sariputta … What kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood?’ And the venerable Sariputta replied: ‘Here, friend Moggallana, a bhikkhu wields mastery over his mind … [219] (as in §9) … That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood.’“

“Good, good, Moggallana. Sariputta, speaking rightly, should speak just as he did. For Sariputta wields mastery over his mind, he does not let the mind wield mastery over him. In the morning he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in during the morning; at mid-day he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in at mid-day; in the evening he abides in whatever abiding or attainment he wants to abide in during the evening.”

  1. When this was said, the venerable Sariputta asked the Blessed One: “Venerable sir, which of us has spoken well?”

“You have all spoken well, Sariputta, each in his own way. Hear also from me what kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala-tree Wood. Here, Sariputta, when a bhikkhu has returned from his almsround, after his meal, he sits down, folds his legs crosswise, sets his body erect, and establishing mindfulness in front of him, resolves: ‘I shall not break this sitting position until through not clinging my mind is liberated from the taints.’ That kind of bhikkhu could illuminate this Gosinga Sala tree Wood.”[6]

That is what the Blessed One said. Those venerable ones were satisfied and delighted in the Blessed One’s words.




Tài liệu tham khảo:

  3., Nanamoli, Bodhi, 1995.pdf


[1] Yatha sakam patibhanath. This phrase might also be rendered “according to his own intuition” or “according to his own ideal.” Nm renders “as it occurs to him”; Horner, “according to his own capacity.”

[2] Ven. Revata was declared the pre-eminent disciple among those who are meditators.

[3] Ven. Anuruddha was the pre-eminent disciple among those who possessed the divine eye.

[4] Maha Kassapa was the pre-eminent disciple among those who observed the ascetic practices.

[5] Abhidhamma. Though the word cannot refer here to the Pitaka of that name – obviously the product of a phase of Buddhist thought later than the Nikayas – it may well indicate a systematic and analytical approach to the doctrine that served as the original nucleus of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. In a careful study of the contexts in which the word “Abhidhamma” occurs in the Sutta Pitakas of several early recensions, the Japanese Pali scholar Fumimaro Watanabe concludes that the Buddha’s own disciples formed the conception of Abhidhamma as an elementary philosophical study that attempted to define, analyse, and classify dhammas and to explore their mutual relations. See his Philosophy and its Development in the Nikayas and Abhidhamma, pp. 34-36.

[6] While the replies of the disciples hold up as the ideal a bhikkhu who has already achieved proficiency in a particular sphere of the renunciant life, the Buddha’s reply, by focusing on a bhikkhu still striving for the goal, underscores the ultimate purpose of that life itself.